
Myst exile
Myst exile

myst exile

Or, return to Tomahna, bringing Saavedro with you. It's a Wonderful Failure: Return to Tomahna without the book to Releeshahn.Also, he's apparently been stumped by the combination lock for twenty years, which should have been way enough time to try all the words stitched onto the curtains.Of course, when you discover that your family might be alive after believing they were dead for 20 years, it's understandable if you're not thinking clearly. In fact, once the outer shield was breached, he could've just jumped onto the platform from the roof. If the vines aren't strong enough to support his weight, then he should be able to hack through them with his hammer. He apparently doesn't realize that he can simply climb the vines up onto the roof of the chamber. Insurmountable Waist-High Fence: When you trap Saavedro between the two shields in Narayan, he screams in despair.


In case you're curious, what you're trying to do is free the Grossamery (bird) from the giant pitcher-plant (which the official game-guide mistakenly calls a flytrap), then call it from a cage in the swamp to have it come pick you up and take you to the location of the symbol. As a result, you find yourself simply solving all the puzzles that present themselves to you, without ever knowing why.

  • Follow the Plotted Line: The lack of any obvious goal in Edanna, combined with its confusing layout, brings this trope into play.
  • myst exile

    Fantastic Flora: Loads of kinds in Edanna.Everything's Better with Spinning: After solving a waterwheel puzzle in Voltaic, the player can stand on top of an axle attached to a spinning gear, which makes their viewpoint spin around at the same pace.If it does, a wooden spike between the rails breaks the ball before it rolls up too far. Developer's Foresight: In Amateria, the Wheels of Wonder puzzle can actually be set up so that the ice ball rolls back up through the starting track.In addition, Voltaic's tusk is missing from the background. This led to some pre-release speculation that the observatory could rotate. Covers Always Lie: On the game's cover, the door to the J'nanin observatory is turned 180 degrees from where it is in the actual game.Then again, we know the Art loves to intentionally screw with reality as we know it. You can also stand on a platform suspended just inches above the lava, and suffer no ill effects. As long as you drain the room before entering, you can waltz inside without waiting for the room to cool down first. Convection, Schmonvection: In Voltaic, there is a room that you can fill up with lava.What kind of rehabilitation does he have ahead of him? Makes the homecoming pretty darn bittersweet right there. To say nothing of the fact that he's become a psychopath, easily capable of snapping and killing someone with little provocation. Even if you get the best possible ending instead, Saavedro has still lost twenty years of his life, including his daughters' entire childhoods, and is quite possibly incurably insane. Bittersweet Ending: If the player chooses to leave Saavedro stranded after retrieving the Releeshahn book from him, Myst III: Exile can fall under this.As in, you riding inside one of the ice spheres, along the entire track network of the age. Be the Ball: What happens to the player in the climax of Amateria.Justified in the fact that all 3 of the ages were (in-universe) meant to be learning experiences, first for Atrus' sons, then for Atrus himself (whom the player so conveniently goes in place of). Alphabet Soup Cans: Atrus installed them into Amateria and Voltaic, and Wrote them into Edanna.

    myst exile

  • All There in the Manual: The game opens with a narration by Atrus about D'ni survivors, which makes no sense at all in context unless you've read the Book of D'ni.

  • Myst exile