She believes that Fred Johnson will help them, but Holden, having pinpointed the origin of a protomolecule signature, wants to go to Io to help Dr. After cleaning up, Naomi advises that they rename their ship and invent a new transponder frequency so that they can avoid suspicion from the Martian and Earth military forces. All visible traces gone, they declare the emergency over, but viewers know better when a close-up shows a glob under-decks. The crew work at purging any remaining protomolecule from the Rocinante. Mars blames Earth for the murder, but viewers know that Undersecretary Errinwright is really to blame, having poisoned Korshunov back in “ The Monster and the Rocket.” The Expanse Season 3, Episode 1: Fight or Flight Pinus Contorta Tensions between Mars and Earth are mounting after the assassination of Martian Defence Minister Korshunov. Bobbie uses an armoured battle suit, to great effect, to protect the UN diplomat and her bodyguard from Mao’s private army. Prax is no closer to finding his daughter Mei, but it seems pretty clear that Holden will do what he can to help to find her - always good to have a quest.Įrrinwright, fearing that Avasarala will expose him and his plot orders Jules-Pierre Mao to kill Avasarala and her staff, but Avasarala and Cotyar find themselves an unlikely ally in former Martian Marine Bobbie Draper, who seeks to defect to Earth. With Johnson in possession of the protomolecule, the balance of power has shifted, giving the belters an edge they never enjoyed in the past.ĭr.

The immediate threat dealt with, Naomi reveals that she has given the protomolecule to Fred Johnson, COO of Tycho Station and de facto leader of the belters. The crew of the Rocinante are able to rid their ship of the unwanted protomolecule stowaway by luring it outside onto the hull, shaking it loose, and incinerating it with their rockets. The Expanse Season 3, Episode 1: Looking Back at Season 2

There were some big changes at the end of last season, so let’s talk about the end of season 2 before discussing the premiere of The Expanse season 3. With episode 2, “IFF,” airing tonight at 9:00, it seems like a good time for a brief recap. SyFy’s epic action-adventure/drama The Expanse returned to the airwaves last week.